REALITY?: Weather

An early morning deathwatch is in the news today.  Watchers are advised to stand by and to prepare for updates and changes that can affect the normal routine.  If you must go out, take your cellphone.  Sleep light and keep a change of clothing packed in case. 

Alerts have gone out to avoid the phrases "How are you doing?" and "Things will be just fine" and to replace these with "How are you feeling?" and "Well, you never know for sure." 

Stay tuned for updated information as we receive it here at deathwatch central.

He sings for me, again and again, despite the tubes running from his nose, his arms, his chest.  I know he wouldn’t sing if it were just his son that came alone.  I smile; never saw the grumpy old man so happy.  Doesn’t he know?  He has been told.  Or doesn’t he want us to know…

I kiss him goodbye reluctantly.  I’ve done this too many times before and will again and again until I can’t. 

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One Response to REALITY?: Weather

  1. Anne says:

    We’re never aware of our beginning, but if there’s time, we’re always aware of the ending. You can really say goodbye but once. The rest is extra comfort for the trip… or the loss and cannot be too oft done.

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