REALITY?: Of Birds, Shirts and Motorcycles

Beautiful day today.  A good day.  The cardinals have forgiven me for my sad neglect of them and have returned to the feeder within an hour of my filling it.  The outdoors calls to my heart but I respond to the practical side that decides indoors work must be finished first.  I iron, iron, and iron and may be done some time tomorrow early morning.  But it will feel so good to be caught up.

Ironing, listening for two, three minutes to motorcycles rumbling by our long winding rural road.  I look out the window, curious now, and count seventy-two more come by.  Sometimes I wish I’d kept and learned to ride the motorcycle I bought years ago.  Instead, I gave it up after riding twenty feet and flopping over in the driveway just like Laugh In’s Arte Johnson on his tricycle.

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