LITERATURE: Ethics Theory and Practice – Comprehension

It don’t take much lately to make me feel even a tad bit better about myself and this was my boost for the day:  In Ethics, the first essay presented is Plato’s Crito, which I just read last month on my own and in some of the references to Socrates of other works I at least can relate to without feeling the dummy. 

Ethics is not really a textbook as I had thought, but evidently it has been used as additional course material by some instructors.  It is an easily understood piece of work, and one of the things that I do like is that I see it has chapters dedicated to specific issues such as abortion, justice, the death penalty and health care.  It also seems to be in a form that appeases the need in some small way for classroom discussion by showing both sides of the argument, and in pointing out the path of clear reason. 

I’m glad I picked this book up at the sale.  As an aside, I’m also very curious and would love to know who in Harwinton–where I lived in sin for six years–donated Writing for New Media.

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