Up since two waiting for the dawn and trusting nature to bring some rays of wisdom with the enlightenment of day.

Been reading, being affected by Joyce’s choice of sermon.  Connecting dots of thoughts written through the ages that answer yet don’t answer questions of then now and later and evermore I think.

The nature of man, soul or not, beliefs of what is right or wrong; even in its changing it doesn’t change.  Lots to think about.

Maybe the answers lie in the East.

FASTFORWARD:  Comes the dawn and I am no wiser.  It is times like these, with a zillion thoughts to eat and digest Pac-Man style within a labyrinth, when I make the most nonsense.

Wondering if good becomes corrupt or evil is tempered; the chicken or the egg?  From there to what is "good" or "evil"?  The rules are always changed in time and culture.  I wonder at a knowledge of justice, and yet mine for me is just as just as another’s form to another–evidenced every day in difference of opinion. 

As I say, lots to think about.  This morning’s dawn did bring some answers but with it, so many more questions.

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2 Responses to REALITY?: Dawn

  1. Mark says:

    Girl, I’ve been reading your posts, and must just say, James Joyce escapes me completely. I’m sure he’s brilliant, but I don’t get him.

    Maybe a genre thing. I’m reading Ayn Rand right now, so there’s a clash. :O

  2. susan says:

    Mark, I think that “Portrait” is a good start on Joyce, and I’m almost glad that Ulysses wasn’t available at the library sale. I’m not particularly wowed by his writing, although the next section that I read was helped me to enjoy the book. We’ll see if when I’m done if I’ll still want to move onto Ulysses. I didn’t order Rand yet.

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