BLOGGING: Post #3000

I suppose this should be momentous and of deep meaning somehow, but it’s not.  Read further down the page for the more inspired intelligence.

But time again, I think, to reconsider; the content, the design, the little problem I created with the book list on the right and left looking like I’ve read three books in my life instead of near forty in the last few months. 

Yeah; the design.

Not the content surely.  It cracks me up that readers sometimes gasp and never do return I think, perhaps in great offense of something such as my chipmunk offering of yesterday.  But then, who knows what’s real about a writer and what is not?  And for the writer, the readers are almost never real at all.

And yes, I’m slowly working to fix the book listings in the sidebar.  I’ve created a new headline code in the stylesheet and voila!  Still working on the rest.

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