WRITING: And its related implications

Somewhat concerned this morning after a discussion last evening with a friend regarding a former project where I’d served as editor.  A bit of a turnaround in his viewpoint, or perhaps just a bit more honesty being offered, but it does open the way to deeper consideration of intent and motive.

Just as a writer cannot avoid the fact that writing and being published is not a totally altruistic act but rather to some degree ego related, producing a project provides the same physical evidence of inspiration that may directly involve self-pride and accomplishment that overshadows purpose.  Especially so when blinded to the actual value of the product.

Something to think about; what was the true motivation–was there something over and above vanity press?  And, was it going nowhere anyway?

How embarrassing…

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2 Responses to WRITING: And its related implications

  1. Jason says:

    Nothing embarrassing about Quixoticishness.

    }:) (like the new word?!?)

  2. susan says:

    Per Wikipedia: “Quixote’s adventures tend to involve situations in which he attempts to apply a knight’s sure, simple morality to situations in which much more complex issues are at hand.”

    Uh-yep; that’s me all right.

    But as always, sometimes we need somebody to point things out to us–thanks, pal.

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