LITERATURE: Next Up – One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

Couldn’t stay away from the pile.

This will likely be a more meditative read, though it is short; it will take longer.  I won’t devour it to the exclusion of all else, and will be able, I hope, to still maintain the others such as S/Z, Ethics, Hypertext 3.0, the game stories and the lit journals.

I’m getting back in the mood for Watchmaker, and should be posting on that again shortly, and I’m anxious to get into either Still Life or Scratches

And yes, keep writing as well.  Still have work to do on four stories and I’ve started another so as to be ready when September submissions open up.  Reading and writing seem to be the only way lately to reduce stress levels and keep my mind off the more bothersome things and people in life.

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