REALITY?: Feelin’ Gooood

Cut my hair, tanned my arms and legs (I get a farmer’s tan that looks kinda weird unclothed), paid some bills, picked some vegies, and prepared papers for an early morning meeting tomorrow with the appraiser.

And, I lost those mysterious five pounds that showed up on the scale last week. 

My weight has always been stabilized into plateaus over the years.  90 lbs. from high school through mid twenties; 95 through early thirties and hitting 97 for the next decade, then 100 since.  The 105 that shocked me seemed to appear out of nowhere–though I don’t regularly weigh myself; maybe once a month or so when I notice the scale.  My eating habits are irregular at best, and even that never seemed to make any difference (even Edy’s Cappucino Chocolate Chip for breakfast).  Fluctuations were never noted and though any weight put on shows only in my waistline, didn’t notice a big change there either.  But since I noticed the scale at 100 over the weekend, it appears that the extra five pounds decided not to stay put.

So, back to my trim, lithe self, with an inch less hair and deeper complexion, I feel invincible again.

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