REALITY?: Taking Up Knitting

Rejection on a job received in the mail today–finally.  Shouldn’t have gotten myself hepped up about it, and I’m glad I started deflating early on.  So much for positive thinking.

In truth, the past seven years or so have been a dedicated effort to change direction.  Went to school, have been writing like constantly, learning new things in computer software and technology, but as the years pass, it’s time to face the facts.

So grandma’s gonna take up her knitting needles after all.

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3 Responses to REALITY?: Taking Up Knitting

  1. Loretta says:

    I’d hire you for anything in a second, my dear.

    As for knitting – it’s very relaxing. Try it.

    Sorry about the stupid sucky rejection letter. I think you should be hired to write and write and write. Anywhere!

  2. susan says:

    Thanks, Loretta. I admit that I messed up my own life by not following a linear narrative. Knitting, crocheting, crewel, you name it, when I was a teen instead of going to college, and now, going to college when I’m reading to start knitting again. Sounds silly, and reversible, but honestly, it’s a problem every step of the way for the rest of the road trip.

    Ah well, maybe next life around. I’m preparing for that one.

  3. I find knitting to be meditative. I don’t do enough of it to suit me, because it gets so hot here for about six months of the year (hot for me, at least) that I can’t stand to have my hands in wool, and wool is my favorite knitting medium. I love its elasticity. So I wait for the cooler months. It’s getting just the right time of year now. 🙂

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