Current Affairs: Gubernatorial Debate

Watching the debate for governor, and while I really feel that Connecticut needs some new blood, DeStefano ain’t the key.  No matter what question is asked, he gives it as little thought as possible in order to reiterate two points, a road project gone wrong and a rail system that won’t make it to Grand Central Station.  Rell handled herself well and with grace, which could easily be just spit and polish, but at least she wasn’t on the attack.

On one question, DeStefano sounded oddly conservative.  The question raised by a constituent was "What are you going to do about affordable housing for the homeless?"  While the question doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, since the homeless could never afford housing of any sort, he answered by bringing in education (delayed resolution) so that people can earn decent incomes and afford housing.  Unfortunately, DeStefano also wants to hit the wealthy and the corporations with heavy taxation, which means they likely will be leaving the state and taking the jobs with them.

On the plus side, he may have gone through the whole debate without using the words "war" or "Bush" which seems to be the slogan campaign of the Democrats this year.  In his closing statement, DeStefano continues getting his jabs in about how bad the other guy (Governor Jodi Rell) is and doesn’t hold goodness and decency as being exceptionally important in a governor either.  Some of his plans are so shortsighted that I don’t blame him for spending his words on attack rather than on presentation.  His windfall tax cure, for example, seems oblivious to the fact that it would immediately be rectified by higher prices to the consumer.

Not impressive.

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