REALITY?: Harvest Decisions

Well, the grapes are definitely on their way into jelly, seeings that I gave in and took the end of the harvest so there isn’t enough to make wine.  Usually the wine takes priority because there’s tons of grapes and we don’t eat that much jelly (though we’re finally out of it now) and the most important reason of all–wine is easy.  You just let it sit there and ferment.

Now the tomatoes are a different story.  The answer was always:  make salsa.  Especially since the second coming of the cilantro is likely ready.  And I’m rather tired of gazpacho, having had it all summer long.  But I didn’t plant onions this year, and the bell peppers aren’t enough, though the hot Thai ones are plentiful.  So the decision is…chili, no sauce, no chili, no sauce.  I really haven’t made up my mind.

Now I’m headed back out to collect dill, chinese cabbage, and cilantro seeds for next year.

And oh yes, the damn turnips.  There’s only so much you can do with damn turnips.

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2 Responses to REALITY?: Harvest Decisions

  1. Creechman says:

    “The second coming of cilantro.”

    I’m stealing that line.

  2. susan says:

    It’s yours. It’d make a great title too.

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