REALITY? & NEW MEDIA: A Productive Day is a Happy Day

Yesterday, a holiday, was a day of rest rather than the frantic preparations when the family used to come and share the feast.  Last year was lonely enough, but this year we lost our last willing guest, Jim’s dad who died in June.

But the pace allowed for focus:  food and new media projects.  Up at two a.m., I made the turkey stuffing, three pies–two pumpkin and a cherry, and had reworked Recyling twice by six a.m.

An eighteen-pound bird was stuffed and in the oven by eleven-thirty, the potatoes peeled and waiting as was the butternut squash.  Sort of neat to eat the pie before the turkey, planned for four in the afternoon.  Scrambled with the gravy while Jim carved up the turkey, smiled at his usual sweet comment, "It’s Susan-good."

Still tweaking Recycling this morning, since there was plenty more of little this and thats that could be tweaked.  But I’m ready to move on and tried to download Blender to try my hand at animation and have more fun.  It didn’t work though.  So that’s the project for today–to get it downloaded properly and sit and gawk in fear while shyly clicking this and that to make a garbage heap (Few) move. 

Oh yeah; I have to draw him first.

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One Response to REALITY? & NEW MEDIA: A Productive Day is a Happy Day

  1. Loretta says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Susan to you and your husband. Your Thanksgiving sounded very lovely and peaceful. Today is beautiful and I hope you will be out in this sunshine doing something you like.

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