Today I enter my 60th year of doing business.  Starting it out with pills other than vitamins.  Celebrating with chocolate cherries and fine dining tonight.  And sending out submissions on writings. 

Forty-nine was yesterday, when I scribbled out a novel in under three months, expecting to be published by fifty.  A decade of learning and reading and writing millions, billions of words.  So many people back then aren’t here today, lost in the passage of natural time, but they all live somewhere in story now.

A decade passes like a single year, and so I’m still shocked each morning as I brush my teeth and look up into the mirror.

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6 Responses to REALITY?: Time

  1. Happy Happy! Say how’s that novel coming along? 🙂

  2. Cindy says:

    Wow! Just remember this: you’re awesome Susan. Take another look in the mirror and think about all the wonderful qualities you possess! 🙂

  3. susan says:

    Thanks, folks! The novel’s probably never going to come out of the attic. I remember the story line, so if I rewrite it it’ll be from scratch because of all I’ve learned about writing in the meantime. Of course, I’m hoping that won’t be another decade.

  4. Happy Birthday! (a little late) I just had my 50th last month. Why do we set those goals for future birthdays anyway? Especially goals that are so far out of our control, like getting a novel published? I plan to have a new gray hair by next year, and I’m positive I’ll succeed at that. If I don’t I’ll be perfectly happy. 😛

    Hope you had a wonderful day, and have many, many more. 🙂

  5. susan says:

    Happy Belated Birthday to you too then, youngster! I just love your vow to grow another grey hair. Now that for me, if this year goes like the last, would be kept many, many times.

  6. Loretta says:

    Happy Belated birthday, Susan! And I’m waiting to read that novel…..

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