CURRENT AFFAIRS: The Execution of Saddam Hussein

I can’t help it; I’m against this execution–not that it matters and especially since it’s not happening in my own country where I might have some sort of say or right to protest. 

It’s simply that I cannot condone the punishment of killing for the crime of killing.  That, and giving any body of society, including the government, the right to kill where it is a crime for an individual to do so–even though the individual’s crime is often carried out with much more reasonable purpose than mere punishment.

And that’s the only reason I’m against it.  Personally, I don’t give a flying fig about the bastard himself.

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3 Responses to CURRENT AFFAIRS: The Execution of Saddam Hussein

  1. I’m more and more strongly against the death penalty. There may be reasons to kill, such as for food or in self defense, or protecting one’s family. But in my view the death penalty doesn’t serve any purpose except revenge, which is tantamount to murder. Punishing someone by doing the same thing to him that we say was wrong for him to do . . . twisted logic.

    I say put him in prison and throw away the key.

  2. susan says:

    It’s the old eye for an eye mentality, updated by the logic of “well, do you want to spend $50,000 a year keeping someone in jail?” My answer is yes. There are dumber things we waste money on in government.

    The thirst for blood is apparently human nature. I applaud your ability to overcome it.

  3. Rethabile says:

    My sentiments exactly, Susan and Barbara. Instead of going into longer explanations, however, let me suggest a link: Capital Punishment

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