REALITY?: Update on the New Year

012607rDoes this look healthy or what?

That’s right folks; despite decades of no breakfast, often no lunch (unless the spirit moves me or sweetie-pie makes bacon and eggs for weekend breakfasts), I’ve adjusted to a high fiber, nutritious bowl of cereal every morning.  I’d do the oatmeal bit, but I only like the cooked one and Jim makes that for himself every morning and I simply cannot face cleaning two bowls and two pots of that gummy mess every morning.

The result?  Well, its likely more the Vytorin drugs, but my cholesterol test just came back at 150 Total.  This is less than half of what my cholesterol was tested at in November.

012607r2 As you can see, I now have an exercise bike (one I’m not likely to fall off of as I have on any other bike from a tricycle to a Harley 350), so I’m continuing on in the best efforts of getting back in shape.

And yes, the books.  Shelves and shelves of books to be read that span centuries of literary content and philosophical ideas.  If you can spot him, Edgar has moved from the office to lounge atop his own spot in the alphabetical march of writers.

The knitting basket’s there too, by the side of the couch on the left of the image, though I haven’t started that sweater yet.

But the bike–does anyone know why or what I’m supposed to do with the handle-bars?  Am I supposed to just adjust them at a comfort level or pump them back and forth as I gaily ride through the living room?

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2 Responses to REALITY?: Update on the New Year

  1. Loretta says:

    The handlebars are for hanging your clothes on at night. Silly girl!

  2. susan says:

    Oh Lordy, Lordy me. You’ve made my day, Loretta. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time, and when one hasn’t been in the frame of mind, one laughs all the harder for the being taken by surprise.

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