WRITING: Group Therapy

Here’s why you really need a writers group or at the very least, a good reader:  technical flaws.

Even if you’ve gotten used to your group’s opinions and varied styles in writing, and even if you’ve adjusted or chosen to continue on your own path, you’re bound to overlook an obvious technical problem in your story that someone else, especially someone who’s not into your style of writing, will more easily spot.

I don’t know if I trust myself to ever send out Crows; just found an obvious huh? regarding a snowmobile, and tracks made on a previous lovers’ weekend, and how the hell did he manage to sneak it out of the garage then anyhow? 

Someone in the group would’ve caught that, I’m sure.  And they would’ve caught "and the hungry crows can smell the dinner bell ring" but that, that I’m leaving in because it’s metaphor.  But boy, I could have used the feedback anyway.

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