NEW MEDIA: Language

God, I love this project!

Hypertext involves paths; it’s taking me on so many different paths just in each and every element or step of the project.  In seeking to do this, I need to find this, and that leads me to this, and so on and so on.  Many of the trails have been dead ends, many have been loops that lead me back to the main path.  I’ve sent myself so many e-mails with links to check out that I’ve had to put in new folders in Outlook just to know what they are for. 

It’s total research, and while many questions haven’t been answered, solutions not found, I’ve come up with more and more information–as well as new questions.  For example, in the simple  decision to transfer all this new media stuff to another weblog, I felt I needed a name different than the existing Pseudohyperfiction since at this point I’m getting ready to turn it into real hyperfiction.  Hyperstory, Hypertrail, Hypertale, Hyperfictive, Hyperbia–all these have been used.  But in Googling the name to check its availability, I’m finding all sorts of articles, sites, resources that may or may not apply.  Unfortunately, most of the words have already been used.

And this is only one simple aspect of the starting up of this production.  Just think of the road(s) and fun ahead.

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