WRITING & REALITY?: Looking Inside The Author

Maybe because I’ve been doing some heavy duty framing.  Because that means I’m working with my hands and that gives me time to think.

Looking at the author and trying to get him out of the story.  Help from a good friend who’s a teacher, a writer, a thinker.  Didn’t need Vonnegut’s confirmation of what he had to say.  (thanks to John Baker for the link)

Thinking of motive and intent.  Analyzing control and freedom.  At Swim-Two-Birds is about the best book I can be reading now; it is the freedom of the character and the story by killing the author or at the very least, sleep induction.  What is human nature and what is self preservation?  What leads us into writing things down instead of keeping it inside?  Or grabbing a friend’s ear to rant and rave instead and so that it’s out and needn’t be written down at all.

What I write should make someone else happy, as much as merely writing it does it for me.

Much to think about.  Much to work through. 

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