BLOGGING: Announcement

Though these issues tend to be recurring, enough to bring to mind a "cry wolf" effect, there was a very real crisis here that resulted in the wiping out of three out of four weblogs and Spinning was honestly this (.) close to annihilation itself. However, for better or worse, an obsessive nature and no hours wasted in sleep have managed to bring forth a quick resolution.

There was a definite need for some long overdue changes here at Spinning and to prevent restructuring or complete demolition, some heads had to roll. Therefore, a decision has been announced that Spinning will continue. Susan, however, has been canned.

Our new head writer and editor, oddly enough also named Susan, is a capable, mature, confident woman who remains untouched by mundane problems of the world. Should a cloud happen to drift overhead, she has the breath power of the Big Bad Wolf to huff and puff and blow it clean away out to sea, where, by the way, she is able to swim among sharks while playfully poking them into a friendly game of chase. Though bright and beautiful—as are we all naturally in the everybody is a star tradition—the merest hint of wrinkles have formed from a constant smile rather than aggravation or worry of which she knows none, or at least, refuses to acknowledge as such. In keeping with this more uplifting personage, you will see no whining, complaining, or off-the-cuff ranting here. Problems?  We don’t need no stinkin’ problems. Susan calls these minor annoyances, in her perfectly perky way, “Trouble Bubbles” and on her, they bead up and roll off like raindrops on a blue plastic tarp.

Every word from her mouth is a self-assured pearl of wisdom. Literature commentary will be bolstered by adhering a bit more strictly to some method of literary critique, albeit in a personalized approach. Reality, if noted at all, will be of the parade and balloons, blue skies and rainbows variety. She knows that every cloud can be ripped open and left bleeding to reveal a silver lining. This prevents wasting time fretting about the rightness or wrongness of her life, since a cloud can be plucked from the sky and disemboweled with alarmingly swift dexterity. Susan is also a new media advocate and understudy—about the only thing she has in common with her predecessor—and has the bodacious ability to overlook her shortcomings and replace the it sucks. I’m useless attitude with an it’s wonderful but it could be wonderfuller way of thinking. She knows no self-doubt, no sullenness of mood, no passion of fury. Thus, she has no need for introspective postings, being well-adjusted and aware that a peek inside the soul would only reveal—you got it—a bloody silver lining. And oh yes, she is a natural blonde.

The most evident change will be visual: A new logo, color scheme and arrangement will be the first order of business on Susan’s laptop projects. As soon as she stops grinning while plaiting dandelions into necklaces of dreams long enough to lower her glance to the screen, her inspired fingers to the keyboard.

After that, her cheerful disposition and bulldog tenacity of spirit will be directed towards finding and rebuilding from thousands of smashed tiny scraps the ill-fated weblog once known as Hypercompendia.

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