REALITY?: Planting Time

My wonderfully sunny and new disposition has been ever so slightly marred by the gossamerest wisp of cloud:  Still no jalapeno pepper plants to be found!

Now I’m certainly not going to be one who allows such a minor trifle to ruffle me; won’t even toss such an ort on the pile of things that truly would ruffle me–a whole lot, like a #8 tornado wind force–if I were perchance any longer the type of person who falls victim to such worry.  And allowed things to ruffle.

Talked with my oldest sister down in Florida yesterday.  She called to report what she’s heard that I already had.  She’s the one who gets the most upset and anxious, yet she was unusually calm and serene. It certainly put things in perspective and we moved on to a friendly chat on the weather.  Just prior to ending the call, I did remember to ask her to e-mail me the name of whatever she’s on, and the dosage.

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