TECHNOLOGY: The Great Software God



Same day, same peonies, within minutes of each other, these two photos are affected by the lighting.  The warm, natural sunlight alone is on the top image, while I believe the flash went off on the second.

I haven’t Photoshopped these at all, but there’s the wonder of the program: I’d be able to match the colors of the two if needed.

God? Nature?  We don’t need to depend or settle for that anymore.

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2 Responses to TECHNOLOGY: The Great Software God

  1. steve says:

    Mine bloomed and dropped while I was out of town. Nice ones.

  2. susan says:

    I really have to learn how to set these images for web use–honest, the photos are a whole lot sharper.

    Peonies are strange flowers. You need ants to chew them open, they burst into full bloom, it rains, they get soaked and rot. At the most, you’ve got a two-day window to see them.

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