REALITY?: Monday, Monday

Odd day today, Him stays home, not feeling well.  Don’t count on Federal Express who sneaks up to your door when you’re in the basement, whispers hello and hangs their door tag on the back of a bush.  My moulding is bouncing between Wallingford and Wisconsin, eluding me now for two weeks.

Quick trip to CVS (can’t miss the FedEx man, but Him’s awake and has his instructions) and get all that I need, all that I needed and more.  The man walking towards me at the front of the store is the Ex-Him and it feels good that I find myself smiling and saying hello before I mentally even realize that it’s him.  And I wasn’t going to go to CVS but the grocery store.

Then later that morning the phone rings but it’s one of those ANONYMOUS calls that I rarely pick up but this time I do.  It’s one sister telling me she got paid by the other, and I’m positively in happy shock.  And I wasn’t going to answer the phone.

Monday, Monday.  Peaches more peaches and I can’t let them go so I wash out more and more jars, fill them with peaches and boil and boil them all. Monday, Monday. Can’t trust that day. And FedEx never came.

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