REALITY?: The Theory of Coincidence

Realizing that once one becomes focused on something in particular one becomes more aware of and therefore recognizes similarities that might otherwise have not been noted (i.e., I came to suspect that in 1997 the Honda CRV only was selling in green), there’s still something to be said for the mystery of coincidence.  Spurred perhaps by my reading of The Life of Geronimo Sandoval, everything in the past few weeks seems to be happening as if set off by contagious ideas.

On Tuesday I talked with a customer and we happened to mention Teresa Brewer. 

US pop singer Brewer dies aged 76

Teresa Brewer

Brewer made her first recording in 1949 at the age of 18

Teresa Brewer, one of the most popular US pop singers of the 1950s, has died in New York at the age of 76.

Born in Toledo, Ohio in 1931, Brewer topped the charts with such hits as Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now and Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall.

She sang with Tony Bennett and had a burgeoning film career before scaling back her work to raise a family.

She re-emerged in the 1970s to perform with jazz greats Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie and Wynton Marsalis.

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One Response to REALITY?: The Theory of Coincidence

  1. Lisa Kenney says:

    I’ve decided that coincidence is really no more than a sharp sense of observation. I seem to find connections with everything, but I think it may have more to do with an OCD mind that won’t be still than with anything else. That old “six degrees of Kevin Bacon” phenomenon is constantly working with me.

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