BLOGGING: And Writing


Barbara Klaser, of the weblog Mystery of a Shrinking Violet, has graciously named me as one of five fellow writers actively promoting writing in the internet environment.  The Shameless Lion Award is the child of Seamus Kearney of Shameless Words, and according to the site:

“Those people I’ve given this award to are encouraged to post it on their own blogs; list three things they believe are necessary for good, powerful writing; and then pass the award on to the five blogs they want to honour, who in turn pass it on to five others, etc etc. Let’s send a roar through the blogosphere!” (read award details here)

I normally don’t involve myself in these things because I absolutely hate the idea of naming five of the many good writers out there and risk hurting anyone’s feelings if I screw up and forget them.  I have to put some more thought and time into this, although Easywriter at Writer’s Blog is an easy pick and I most certainly drag her into this.  She’s dedicated and eloquent and I well expect to see her in print someday.  Another would be Loretta.  Her novel’s on the back burner but we get to appreciate her own inimitable humor and sensitivity in her blog Pomegranates and Paper.

For the first part of the requirements, I would think that for good, powerful writing, it is essential to be a good reader, both of books and of people, so Experience is what I’d put this under.  Second, there’s a need for Openmindedness that knows the rules and knows how to break them effectively.  Third, and maybe most important of the three I can name, is Curiosity.  We discover the most about ourselves and mankin when we approach with interest and questions.

Thank you, Barbara, I do greatly appreciate this and will try to live up to the honor.

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2 Responses to BLOGGING: And Writing

  1. easywriter says:

    Thank you Susan, it’s difficult to choose isn’t it? But I’ve managed one so far and done my three essentials for powerful writing. Post should be up tomorrow.

  2. Loretta says:

    I’m honored, Susan. I would certainly include your name as one of the most literary blogs that I read. You never fail to educate me and entertain.

    And I wish you lived close by so I could have some of your wine!

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