REALITY?: Dumb and Dumber

Two stories on tonight’s news that show a tendency for mankind to be getting more out of touch with reality with each generation.

A young white couple walks into a bar and are offended by a noose which has been part of the bar’s decor for nine months since a western theme birthday party celebration.  They walked out and evidently notified the newsfolk about their indignation at this "racist" sign.  Black Americans don’t seem bothered by it until some white self-righteous jackass came out a few months ago that there’s a connection between the southern lynchings and racism.  Forget the blacks who’ve been shot, beaten, and burned, or the cowboys, cattle rustlers, witches, or anyone else who’s been hung; now the whites have turned the noose exclusively into a symbol of racism.

Governor Rell (CT), after a hard year of losing a large number of young people to drunk driving accidents, has proposed a law whereby a teenager (16-18) stopped for driving drunk would lose their license for a year.  Forget that it’s not just drunk-driving, it’s illegal drinking and then driving drunk. One young girl when asked said she thought that was silly and too strict, the idea of losing a license for a year.  She felt they should be told not to do it again.  Well, duh.

And a third one before I even finished this posting:  Another proposal to make it a law for a car seat reminder that shows when you have a baby in your car.  Should save lives (well, maybe one this past year).  Bad enough with the irons that shut off because the ironer is too stupid to remember they were ironing when the phone rang.  Now you’ve got to be reminded you have a baby and where it is.  Yeah, I know ONE lady did that.  To me it’s insulting that they think all mothers are that scatterbrained.

Why does it seem that the smarter we supposedly get, the more irresponsible we allow ourselves to be.  Maybe as our brains get bigger they begin to leak out our ears.

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2 Responses to REALITY?: Dumb and Dumber

  1. “She felt they should be told not to do it again.”

    One hopes they already knew not to do it, or they shouldn’t have a license to begin with.

    “Another proposal to make it a law for a car seat reminder that shows when you have a baby in your car.”

    Again, hopefully if one has a baby with them, they already know it.

    I think you’re right. But maybe it’s also a sign that we live in too complex and busy a world for the person of even average intelligence to deal with. I just don’t know.

  2. susan says:

    I don’t know, Barbara. People had a lot more work to do and harder ways of doing it generations ago. I think that we just set the wrong priorities and give too much time to things that shouldn’t take our minds away from having a baby in the back seat, or having the common sense not to be drinking when you know you’ll be driving, or propagating racial tension instead of overcoming it.

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