REALITY?: Looking for dark, found black.

Dark’s not black.  Dark can be fun.  But when a black mood hits suddenly it’s not a nice thing to watch.

And black has descended.

One of the tanzanite stones in my new ring fell out somewhere this morning and this is not a cheap ring.

Not happy.  Not happy at all.

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5 Responses to REALITY?: Looking for dark, found black.

  1. Creechman says:

    Maybe this will dispel the blackness. You are now on an RSS Feeder link! ha ha ha

    I’m a Mac genius.

  2. I’m so sorry about your ring. I once lost a bracelet my dad gave me while traveling. (Note to self: never, ever wear favorite jewelry while lugging luggage around in distant places.)

    And yes, dark I can do fine, but black. I wish I didn’t know how that goes.

    I hope your black is as short lived as possible. 🙂 (That’s me smiling hopefully, not me telling you to smile. If there’s one thing I hate while in black, it’s anyone telling me to smile.)

  3. easywriter says:

    I hope you find it Susan. Let us know. I had an old Auntie who used to tell me to ask St. Anthony to help me find lost things. Maybe? :o) I will ask for you. :o)

  4. susan says:

    Though I did search, it’s impossible to find a small stone somewhere between the house, down the driveway, and in the shop.

    I had to blow the black away so that I don’t go into Michael’s Jewelers with an attitude. Maybe they’ll admit some responsibility.

    Mark–your good news doesn’t help me.

    Barbara–Yes! If there’s one thing I hate it’s people telling you that if you smile everything will brighten up. That’s pure hoo-ey.

    Ruth–I tried both Anthony and Jude, the saint of hopeless causes (we’ve grown close over the years).

  5. easywriter says:

    St Jude. :op Oh Susan, we have a mutual friend there.

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