REALITY?: The Battle of the Tubes

Well, looks like I lost the toothpaste tube battle this time.  How the hell did he get anything out of the old one?  I did all my usual maneuvering tricks, almost broke a nail, held the tube against the counter with my body while I squeezed so it wouldn’t suck back in, but still I was the one that broke into the new tube.


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2 Responses to REALITY?: The Battle of the Tubes

  1. Lisa Kenney says:

    Well at least you managed to continue finding toothpaste with the screw tops. I keep ending up with those crappy flip tops. I hate ’em! After a while they end up breaking off and they never close right. What was wrong with those screw tops in the first place???!!!

    Nerve struck 🙂

  2. Dean says:

    I can get toothpaste out a tube that other people have given up as completely dry. It takes a lot of physical strength, some sweat, and iron determination.

    Mostly strength, though.

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