WRITING: Final Draft

Two students promised more indepth critique on A Bottle of Beer, and though I’ve been working hard on editing it these past two weeks, I’m looking forward as well to their notes.

Don’t know what’s going to happen to this piece of work, but I have taken the precaution of copying it into a word processing program just in case the Hypertextopia site disappears after its creator, Jeremy Ashkenas, graduates and moves on with his life–since this was a thesis project, I believe; though I hope he takes it further as he himself explores new areas of hypertext means and methods.

It’s tough to let go of something that you’ve put so much time and thought into.  Does it become just one more learning process, one more practice shot at story?  There’s no way that this particular piece will work in any traditional text manner.  It can be done, but it wouldn’t be rightly presented. 

Now, on to Storyspace and a new tale to tell.

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