LITERATURE: Jamestown – Credibility

I’m having a problem with the character of Pocahontas.  From a naive teen to a serious-minded protester against government policy is a stretch.  No doubt, the use of ESL can be put as part of the problem, but I don’t see what she thinks, and how she thinks, in alliance with what she is writing here in her diary.

There is no doubt that sex and coming of age is a more natural part of this community’s existence, and she is waiting for her period so she can "fuck," but then, when it does come to her, she puts it this way:

So I came out here to my lonely little corn shack to contemplate and tell you all these things about my day, and I felt something itchy-tacky, you, know, ‘down there’ in the tippy-top-of-the-thigh-type place, and I casually reached down to give a scratch.  I withdrew my hand, found it wet and sticky, I looked at it, and the darkness of the corn shack notwithstanding, there’ no doubt but that’s blood on my hand, so either I’m hemorrhaging to death through my pu-sy or–yes, beloved English speaker–I’m having my period!  Which is also the word y’all use when you want to show you’ve come to the end of what you have to say, for now.  (p. 46)

She has written the word ‘p…y’ here, and has used the word ‘c..t’ before,so the ‘tippy-top-of-the-thigh’ thing doesn’t fly.  Now I realize she has a sarcastic nature, but there’s just a strange sense of a strong change of voice particularly after her conversation with the Doctor, and her greeting of the strangers on the bus.

Let’s see how she develops.

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