WRITING: Announcements

First, I’m considering keeping this weblog open for writing purposes, thus keeping Spinning clean for literature reviews and reality, and Hypercompendia for new media.  Though the topics often overlap, it’s worked pretty well over the last few months though few visit this CW blog, even when the semester was on.

Next, in keeping with my idea of reforming the Narratives Writing Group, I will be sending out e-mails to whoever expressed interest (Brendan–I don’t have your e-mail address!), former members, etc. asking what evening you would not be able to make it (i.e., Thursdays, Fridays, etc.) as it will likely be based on "the first (or whatever) Thursday (or whatever) of the month, and likely be 5  or 6 pm to 7 or 8 pm.  It’s easier to rule out evenings by how many cannot make a certain day rather than by how many can.

If you see this post and are interested, please email me at smgct@comcast.net or leave a note in the comments.

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