REALITY?: Garden Stuff

Tried to take advantage of the early morning pre-heat daylight but ended up going through till now. Grubby like you can’t believe; a sweatball.  Dare I step upon the scale and hope?

Likely I have poison ivy because all it takes to contact is to breath the air it lives in.  And I broke down and put plastic bags on my hands and pulled it out because it’s growing in the garden and of course along the fencing I tried to rebuild and dig out from the lawn.  Right after my shower I’m slathering myself with calamine lotion just in case.

Tried to untangle the grapes (another heavy harvest year!) from the peach trees (not so good!) and put a separate fence up for them since they’re growing where they want to grow: up on the peach trees.  The vines were there just a couple years and now I see the main trunk about an inch thick so it’s useless now to try and move them.  The same with the peaches; they were supposed to be transplanted about four years ago.  I just wasn’t able to cope with anything for a few years and let everything get a firm grip on its corner of the world alloted to it and now can’t uproot it all.

Well, gonna go take a shower and hop on the scale (after drying off because drops of water weigh a lot.)

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2 Responses to REALITY?: Garden Stuff

  1. I’m trying to get a little weeding done today and tomorrow, because the weather’s about to heat up after that. But it’s slow going today. I’ve found that the amount of outdoor work I can stand depends partly on the weather and partly on a mysterious something other than the weather.

  2. susan says:

    Barbara, for years now I take an aspirin before I go out–I used to get red-faced and overheated–and that eliminates one of the problems. I have also learned to slather on a heavy-based hand cream before I weed or dig in dirt (I can’t use gloves, don’t like ’em) and that prevents the soil staining and drying out my hands.

    Oh yes; I also don’t stay out more than an hour without coming in for fifteen minutes to recuperate. Age does take its toll.

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