REALITY? & WRITING: A Cabin in Pittsburgh

I don’t often get away by myself so this trip to Pittsburgh for the Hypertext 08 conference is temporarily serving an alternate role (in true hypertext style!) as that little cabin in the woods I’ve been seeking to simply sit and ponder and, of course, read and write. Hah! some cabin; with a king sized bed, four pillows and two quilts, a nice desk, easy chair and couch to vary perspective, and internet connection!

Reading Chaucer as the pigeons fly over your head is a treat–though I can see that Carolyn was right in getting the better version of Middle English as this Penguin edition is too easily making the pace rush past the meaning I think.  And William Gay still intrigues with his McCarthylike prose and murky Southern storyworld–I’ll be posting on that a bit later.

Ah, another benefit to a plush cabin–no need to go out and collect nuts and berries for breakfast. Later!

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One Response to REALITY? & WRITING: A Cabin in Pittsburgh

  1. Anne says:

    Just here to take a break. Been looking for my woowoo wagon. Wishing you schmups and zogwits.

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