REALITY?: Starting Over Again

Coming to realize that it's time again to pick up the machete and strike out on new paths. Looking back to see where I have been, the short trails leading off to deadending cul-de-sacs that kept me going around and around until I caught sight of where I'd entered to exit as gracefully as failure can allow.

What am I good at? What will people recognize enough to hire my services? Evidently not my mind. I'm good with 'things.' Like picture framing and crafts and fixing computers and toasters and such. For the little earning time I have ahead, I think I need to buckle down and get the skills I need and settle there. In a small place where no one knows my age and thus dismisses me as slowing down or stuck inside a better time, reluctant to try the new.

Further forays into education will take me to two places; one is for my soul and one is for survival.

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