REALITY: New Year’s Resolutions

On the table for consideration: Learn Inform7 and write one good interactive piece; finish a couple of the hypertext stories; get the inspiration for a novel; get at least two short stories published; get a job I love–maybe in some form of education; close the frameshop; pursue a bachelor's; shoot my longbow; visit family in FL, TN, friends in AZ & TN; start an animation project; read more than ever; relearn happiness.

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2 Responses to REALITY: New Year’s Resolutions

  1. creechman says:

    you forgot, “upstage Michelle Pfeiffer.” Otherwise, sounds like a reasonable plan. ;/

  2. Susan Gibb says:

    No, I think I’ll stick to the easier stuff. Pfeiffer’s too good to be upstaged.

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