CURRENT AFFAIRS: It takes a certain panache…

And, balls:

“Because of what we did, 95% of all working families will get a tax cut — in keeping with a promise I made on the campaign. And I’m pleased to announce that this morning, the Treasury Department began directing employers to reduce the amount of taxes withheld from paychecks — meaning that by April 1st, a typical family will begin taking home at least $65 more every month. Never before in our history has a tax cut taken effect faster or gone to so many hardworking Americans.”

“That work begins on Monday, when I will convene a fiscal summit of independent experts and unions, advocacy groups and members of Congress to discuss how we can cut the trillion-dollar deficit that we’ve inherited. On Tuesday, I will speak to the nation about our urgent national priorities, and on Thursday, I’ll release a budget that’s sober in its assessments, honest in its accounting, and that lays out in detail my strategy for investing in what we need, cutting what we don’t, and restoring fiscal discipline.”   (The White House Blog)

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4 Responses to CURRENT AFFAIRS: It takes a certain panache…

  1. Mary Ellen says:

    Well, I’ll withhold judgment on the $65, since I don’t get a paycheck anyway, but on the inheritance? That was George.

  2. susan says:

    Yes, the war and all. But it took him eight years to put us in debt. President Obama just added another third to that within his first month in office. And remember, Obama was in favor of the last 750billion bailout, then proceeds as president to better that figure with more. Meanwhile, he just ordered more troops to Afghanistan without a whimper from the populace.

  3. creechman says:

    Hi Susan. I can’t change your link on blogrolling until they upgrade their service. 🙁 Hope all is well with you. 🙂

  4. susan says:

    You mean a link to me at your site? That’s odd. But not to worry, all external links should point to a single page for Spinning at Typepad that directs you here. At least until my account at Typepad expires in December. I’m fine, and you?

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