REALITY?: Finally, Food!

051209rHaven’t been quite able to produce anything complicated in a couple weeks, but today I’m making stuffed shells. In my semi-conscious state last week I thought I bought a large container of yogurt, but when I looked in the fridge I found a Ricotta Cheese container and figured I’d make lasagne or shells next time I went to the store. Before that trip, I did find the Yogurt, checked the Ricotta container to find it full of homemade soup, and realized that I didn’t need to buy pasta.

But of course, I forgot that when I went to the store and did indeed buy some ground beef (Jim doesn’t like the cheese as much) and a box of shells to stuff. Then I found out I didn’t have any Ricotta. So then I got creative.

With cream cheese, mozarella, parmesan, a couple dollaps of sour cream, egg, garlic, and herbs, I made a cheese filling.

For the meat, I usually add in spinach but because I didn’t have any, I added in a leftover jar of roasted pepper/artichoke bruschetta, garlic, mushrooms, parmesan, mozzarella, and spices.

I love cleaning out the refrigerator and using these leftover items. Sometimes it comes out the best ever; never ever to be replicated again.

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2 Responses to REALITY?: Finally, Food!

  1. I am a creative cook as well cause I so hate the dreaded trip to town. And you are so right, those creations often turn out the very best — recreated yes, but never quite the same as that first exotic effort. Supper looks like it is going to be a grand dish tonight.

  2. susan says:

    Isn’t it fun, Roberta? And yes, this came out the best I’ve ever made it, particularly the cheese filling!

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