REALITY?: Happy Thanksgiving Day!

112609r As long as you can make a couple pies, stuff a turkey and stick him in the oven before 7 in the morning, and take out the china and silver for a grand dinner, you are blessed.

This year is another of those “oh dear God what are we going to do” that comes with job loss and each one gets worse than the one before because of discrimination in hiring, but the silver lining is that each year we’re closer to being free of debt and to a turnaround (hopefully, though it doesn’t seem as likely anymore) of investments in our retirement.

But we’re better off than so many others in the world, and here in the United States.

So you can laugh at my turkey all you want. It’s still a pumpkin pie he’s gracing.

Happy Thanksgiving Day to you all, and a wish for a peaceful and prosperous future.

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5 Responses to REALITY?: Happy Thanksgiving Day!

  1. Loretta says:

    I so agree, dear Susan! Happy Thanksgiving and that is some gorgeous pie!!

  2. Hi susan. Some will smile with delight at your turkey (like I did), some will smile with delight because of inner gratefulness(like I did) for what they have. And some will softly chuckle (like I did) because you’ve given us suitable thinking for the day. Truly, your turkey is absolutely and totally delightful.

    So from Canada, Happy American Thanksgiving!!

  3. susan says:

    Thank you, my friends! It was a good year with loads to be thankful for up until a week or two ago but then the good far outweighs the bad so the turkey was a symbol of plenty. Unfortunately, we ate it.

  4. Anne says:

    I cannot make good pie, but I know how to appreciate good folks. Thank you, Susan, for plopping into my life. You’re definitely one of the good ‘uns.

  5. susan says:

    And thank you, as well. Plus, I get to see 25-30% of your face finally after all these years. Your head doesn’t look all that big…

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