REALITY?: Painting

Someday I’ll get back into the visual rather than the literary of my creative energy but for the last couple of days, the painting has been large scale–the size of my frame shop/barn.

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I’ve scraped, painted a first coat with an oil primer, and am awaiting help from a friend who lacks the fear of heights that my husband and I both share (that should be a consideration when dating, but who thinks of it?) to go up on the high ladder and paint the peaks. Oh I can get up there, no problem; I just can’t let go of the ladder to paint.

Don’t think I’ll be blessed with the Indian Summer in November long enough to do a second coat, but at least the wood’s a bit better protected for winter and it doesn’t look quite as bad with the peeling paint.

Maybe I could get a job as a house painter…of single story houses.

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