WRITING, REALITY? and LITERATURE: The Dog Ate My Homework…

. . .or any other excuse I can come up with to explain my relative absence from this weblog as compared to my previous six years of blogging.

In truth, some good things are happening. I am looking forward to announcing the publication of a few of my short stories and a hypertext story towards the end of this month or in early January. So, my writing is going well…

My reading, well, obviously, after blowing through a few books this past summer as not grabbing me I’m just about finished with The English Patient. Just haven’t been reading as much since I got involved in the 100 Days Project that had me writing a hypertext story a day for, well, 100 days. From there I wrote some more hypertext, then got involved with an online writers community that whipped my brain into creative force mode and started submitting some short stories again after getting some good feedback from the members of the group. That’s what you kind of need as a writer; unless of course you’re so self-absorbed and cocky you think you’re great without some validation of your peers.

And the reality of my life is still seeking a higher paying employment even as I freeze my bones in the frameshop handling the Christmas rush.

But I’ll be back in force after the holidays; back, I hope, to my more prolific if not eloquent daily postings.

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2 Responses to WRITING, REALITY? and LITERATURE: The Dog Ate My Homework…

  1. Barbara says:

    It’s good to see you back. I have been very lax at blogging and checking up on friends’ blogs, myself.

    Congratulations on the short stories to be published. Very good news! 🙂

  2. susan says:

    Thank you, Barbara, it’s been an exciting time for me as far as my writing is concerned anyway. Have a wonderful holiday and new year ahead!

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