I’m finding things in Suttree I think I missed the first time around.  It makes me think that even though I’m skimming through the first half over again, when I get beyond the point I’ve read before I may still want to go through that last half again.

This conversation, between a ragman asking an unusual favor of Suttree and him agreeing to it.

Whatever’s right, said Suttree.

I ain’t no infidel.  Dont pay no mind to what they say.


I always figured they was a God.


I just never did like him.

Something else happening in my readings lately.  It’s never been my habit to read several books at the same time.  Rather, I like to focus on one and get into it, live it; and, if it’s good enough, to not only the exclusion of other written stories, but sadly, to the avoidance as much as possible of mundane chores and job-related time spenders.  It’s often been difficult, after reading a couple-three mysteries in a row, to adjust to a novel that isn’t. 

Reading Parker as well as McCarthy, and a few other things as well, I have found that McCarthy has become home to me.  Other forays have been shopping trips, adventures, study. 

But I somehow have learned to diversify or multi-task my reading.  McCarthy is where, after I read and absorb something else, I snuggle back into and hang out.  McCarthy, is home.

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