WRITING: Conference

A very full and exciting day today.  A quick dinner and discussion with a few of us wannabe’s and then off to hear guest speaker Jules Feiffer.  Did manage to get one book signed by one of my instructors, Roxana Robinson and will get the others signed tomorrow–Jennifer Haigh and Josip Novakovich after final classes. 

Did read two of my "Eight Deadly Sins" for the student readings, choosing Greed and Lust, as sort of a fun thing and they were well received.  Most students did go well over the 3-minute allotment, and I regret a night’s running between the computer and the microwave to cut down a story that would have taken only four at the most anyway.  My choices were unserious stuff and unfortunately never polished, but nevertheless I’m just as glad because I had a fun time reading them.

Need to sleep.  Early day tomorrow, but the conference ends around three.

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One Response to WRITING: Conference

  1. Susan,

    Thanks for the reports. It was like tagging along with you.

    It confirmed my earlier thoughts about these conferences. It sounds like the contacts may have been the most valuable part of the experience.

    Have a safe trip back.

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