WRITING: Conference

Good day today, went to all three classes, and had a writers menage a tois for feedback on each other’s work.   Wrote just a bit in exercises in class, and am getting better at thinking on my feet. 

Just listened to just publishing editors and agents and the news has not changed, it’s still a rough world out there, but did get some info on a small publishing house and a line on a new lit journal that is being published by a small non-profit writers group.  I’ll do more on this later.

In the meantime, I’m getting nervous about reading for three minutes tonight and might either cross my name off the list when Sally isn’t looking, or just throw up and go onstage afterwards.

One of the best exercises that I’ve done and that has come in handy right now was in the last creative writing course where we wrote 600 words and cut it back to 300.  I just tried to cut a 900 word Reflections story down to about 450, and have given up at 545.  I’ll read something else in the 3-minute limit.

Tomorrow is the last day, some classes, and then home all aglow with inspiration.

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