BLOGGING: Speechless

Certainly not the first time, but surely one of the few where for two days, I cannot think of a damn thing to say…

UPDATE:  Didn’t take longer than fifteen minutes for life to get exciting.  A pinhole in the water pipe (incoming, ABOVE the shutoff lever).  Luckily I was down the cellar to get supper out of the freezer to notice it.  Of course I ran out of plumber’s tape (yes, in this house it’s always handy) so I couldn’t do a terrific job of sealing the leak, and then I called the plumber to wait.

Then I ran back in the house because I forgot the most important thing you do before calling the plumber:  go use the bathroom first.

UPDATE No. 2:  And now the pc I built that was working perfectly on Saturday won’t boot up. 

I give up.

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One Response to BLOGGING: Speechless

  1. I can’t imagine how you could even consider not blogging. Your life reads like a three ring circus!

    The real wonder is how you can confine yourself to only one post a day! 🙂

    Hope the pipe was completely fixed. Old plumbing is a real pain.

    Congratulations on the diploma! Like the Scarecrow in The Wizard of OZ, you are now officially empowered to use your marvelous wit. Go forth and publish! 🙂

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