LITERATURE: On the Table

While I haven’t exactly been keeping up on all fronts with the four to five selections to read or play concurrently as I had intended, I am getting through the pile a bit. 

Now that I’m pretty much done for now with Facade, I am thinking of starting up on Still Life; the pc medium is a good one for me to use to "read" although I do not like to read a lot of text on a screen, so a video story is just my cup of tea.  And, after Facade, I’m anxious to get back into interactive story–at least as much as a prescripted game drama can offer.  Maybe after this, I’ll be more willing to get my butt kicked in Silent Hill 2 again.

April Fool’s Day, my novel selection, should be finished in a couple days, and I’m still trying to get into Didascalicon and Marie Laure-Ryan’s Narrative as Virtual Reality–and I may be biting off more than I can chew here with the two of them together.  So I may upset this plan a little bit and select one out of the two to continue with, and grab up a novel and another lit journal to catch up on next.

And all the while, write, write, try to write.  I thought the Force was with me the other day, but it kinda sorta deserted me thinking that I ought to be able to do it on my own once the ignition key was turned.  But the engine died once I was left to my own power.

Now I’m going to have to hotwire it instead.

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