REALITY?: Thinkings

In thinking of Easter and little kids and rabbits (my favorite commercial right now is the one with the parents looking out their window at all the kids happily running all over the yard in search of Easter goodies and the woman says, "Did you buy the candy?" Of course, he says no.) I’m thinking of toys and how in our family as in many, plastic containers and lids were always pulled out for toddlers to play with on the kitchen floor. Not that we didn’t have regular toys, but kids just like the shapes and sizes and colors of plastic bowls and everybody has them available to keep any kid quiet. It makes a point for locks on lower cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms, since kids raised this way simply come to believe cabinets to be their "toy chests." It also is likely the reason we tend as adults to peek into your cabinets at your house. It’s a learned habit.

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