WRITING: Strike While the Iron is Hot

Funny thing about inspiration; it comes without warning.  In seeking out an idea for story for Storytron exploration, just a basic simple situation that offers a variety of interesting characters and outcomes, suddenly I’m writing on a story that lay sleeping for almost a year. 

I haven’t written anything in a long time, since Big Tim Dawson, I think, and I haven’t been able to rewrite that or two others that I feel are worth working on.  Yet I happen upon this one 500-word beginning and pick up on it as if it were fresh, as if I suddenly knew where it was going.  I still don’t, not really, but I’ve near tripled it in just a few sittings.  And I like it; wonder why I left it.  I see subtleties in it and meanings that I don’t even think were consciously there when I started it. 

And I still haven’t found the simple, basic scenario I’m looking for for the Storytron project.

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