BLOGGING: To be or not to be…

You kind of know your friends and fellow blogger buddies aren’t reading you when you check your site and find, right on top of the sidebar list, a comment from p#enis e#nlargement that’s been there for four days.  Don’t know how I missed it, since I do supposedly get e-mailed when a comment is posted.

In the past few days I have copied all posts from three other weblogs I had going into Word files, mainly because they were either writing sites or literature course sites that had some information I wanted to retain.  Before this weekend, after going through them one last time to save whatever else I may need, I’m going to pull the plug and delete them entirely.

Spinning’s still a maybe, though all three years are safely on the hard drive.  I’ve been getting a bit disgruntled with Typepad lately although their service is usually mighty fine.  But I’m thinking along the line of setting up a real website where I can implement some Flash effects that I hope to learn.  It’s true, blogging is so much easier and accessible to daily writing.  On the other hand, blogging is too easy and accessible to daily writing.

So I’m going to look into setting up a site within the next few weeks, and if I’m successful and happy with what it does for me, I’ll go that route instead.  Maybe then p#enis e#nlargement can’t find me.

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