NEW MEDIA: Recycling Version 2…

…is done.  And, like most movie productions, has come in over budget at 1.55 minutes and 16.7 mb.  But it does have eight less images, and the new ones are all pretty much themed to the idea of a circle or circular narrative path.  However, I also had to put the text of the poem overlaid on the images, and that, I admit, is where again I couldn’t resist the impulse to do some fancy stuff with fades and zooms.

I wasn’t as pleased with some of the Photoshopping I did this time, having completely forgotten what I had done to the images the first time to get them as I wanted them.  I did correct the sizing of all though so the choppy transitions between frames that an inexperienced movie editor ends up with are alleviated a bit by the elimination of constant screen size changes.

Windows Movie Maker did work a lot better for me this time without anywhere near the freeze-ups that I had the first go-round.  For one thing, I added the transitions in after a large portion of the film was done in segments, and ‘saved’ after each addition.

It’s been a completely fun project.  Now I’m ready to move on to something new.

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