REALITY?: Unreal

For my New Year’s Resolution this year, I’m giving up social interaction.

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7 Responses to REALITY?: Unreal

  1. Roberta S says:

    I gave it up last year and it’s been a good year.

  2. susan says:

    Yeah, I think I need to get the Nasties out of my life, and the Unconcerned out of the loop. More time for writing then, I suppose.

  3. steve says:

    I’m for this too.

  4. susan says:

    Ah, I’m beginning to see a re-emergence of the “drop-out” movement. Too bad cabins in the woods are at such a premium.

    Uh…unless you meant, Steve, that you’re for me retiring from communication with others…

  5. Barbara says:

    I did that when I took early retirement. I think I just had too much forced interaction on the job, too much of it stressful. I’m enjoying my solitude for now.

  6. Loretta says:

    I did it at work and, wow, what a good time I have by myself!

  7. susan says:

    Barbara, I think we do tend to get more selective with our circle of friends, drawing it in as we get older.

    Loretta, all I can say to your comment is: Yeahbut, you’re a fun person. I’m not; I’m a depressive neurotic most of the time, and absolutely no fun to be alone with.

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