NEW MEDIA: Let there be music!

Oooh, oooh, oooh!  In my next production, I wanted background music (even if to offset the sound of my voice).  But again, in striving for all original–and yes, I’m going back to draw Mars, Earth, a Tunnel, Edgar, and Jesus for Recycling–I was stymied by both lyrics, sound, and all that copyright stuff.  And even though it might bring Willie to me in a fit of righteous rage, more likely he’d just send his lawyers and Lord knows I don’t need to deal with any more of them.

So, I hummed.  With the poem set out in front of me, Sound Recorder at the ready, mic in place, I hummed as I read the lines silently in my mind.  So you hum a little faster for the dramatic action parts, and slowly for the dramatic meaningful ones, and lower or higher according to mood.  No particular tune, just humming–though I’m sure parts are similar to others in my head.

Unfortunately, I may still need the assistance of the Echo effect.

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